For authors - Journal “Totalitarian and 20 th Century Studies”

The editors of the journal “Totalitarian and 20th Century Studies” do not charge authors at any stage. Application, procedure, reviewing and publication of the article are free of charge.


Editing principles governing the preparation of texts for the journal
“Studia nad Totalitaryzmami i Wiekiem XX”

“Totalitarian and 20th Century Studies”

General remarks


  1.  Articles shall be submitted in Polish or English. Articles will be translated into a second language (Polish or English) by the Translation Team of the Pilecki Institute.
  2. Please add the following to the main text:

a) abstract comprising 900–1,200 characters, 5 keywords

b) bibliography concordant with APA style requirements,

c) biographical note about the author in the format: ORCID number, academic degree, name and surname, description (affiliation, professional and scholarly achievements, interests – 300–600 characters), selected publications in the format: title (year of publication)/title, in: title, volume, number (year of publication).


Main text


  1. The text shall be written in Times New Roman, 12 font, with spacing 1.5, and without additional spaces. Margins: standard, 2.5 cm on both sides. Pages shall be numbered.
  2. The title shall be placed at the beginning of the article, followed by the surname of the author.
  3. The text of the article may be divided into smaller units (subchapters) with boldface titles.
  4. Titles and subtitles shall not be followed by a period.
  5. Points numbered with numerals (1., 2., 3.) or letters (a., b., c.), or introduced with dashes (–) may be used in the main text.
  6. The titles of publications mentioned in the text shall be written in italics and without quotation marks, while the titles of journals shall appear in plain typeface and in quotation marks.
  7. Italics shall be used for foreign words and phrases, for example sine qua non, de facto, a priori (punctuation marks separating different titles or different foreign expressions shall not be italicized).

NOTE: italics shall not be used in any other instances.

  1. Please do not use underlining or boldface in the main text.
  2. The full name and surname shall be used when referring to a person for the first time, and thereafter the surname alone may be used.
  3. All citations shall be given in plain typeface: shorter citations in quotation marks, while citations longer than three lines without quotation marks, in a separate paragraph, separated on both sides (from the preceding and following text) with additional spacing, 12 font, and preceded by a paragraph indent.
  4. When a citation is shortened (a fragment is omitted), an ellipsis shall be used. This shall appear in square brackets […] separated with spaces from the body of the text (the same format shall be used for omitting the opening fragment, if the beginning of the citation does not coincide with that of the sentence, and the closing fragment when the citation breaks off before the end of the sentence).
  5. A citation shall invariably be followed by information about its source, concordant with APA style requirements and given in brackets (following the text itself or the closing quotation mark, in the case of a shorter citation), and before the period terminating the sentence: citation (source). or “citation” (source).
  6. For a citation within a citation, French quotation marks or guillemets («») shall be used.


Principles governing the elaboration of footnotes and bibliographic addresses concordant with APA style requirements, with a modification for archival sources (mixed system)


  1. Bibliographic footnotes shall be placed in round brackets in the main text, following the citation or reference proper, and before the period terminating the sentence or any
    other punctuation mark, such as a comma or a colon. The exception are references to archival sources, whose descriptions shall be given conventionally, in a footnote.
  2. Footnotes containing additional comments shall be placed at the bottom of the page and numbered successively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3). If a reference is placed therein to a certain publication, or a citation, then this must be marked as in the case of the main text, i.e. with information in round brackets following the text or citation, or conventionally: abbreviated name of archive, file no., if required – fonds, document, place, date, sheet/page.


Bibliographic footnotes in the APA style

Bibliographic footnotes in the APA style are references to complete entries located in the bibliography.


  1. Monograph, journal article, article/chapter of a collective publication (a publication issued in print)

surname of the author/editor, year of publication and, if required, the page number (or a range of pages, given with a dash and no spaces)



(Arend, 2017) – without giving the page

(Fiała, 1991, p. 340) – reference to one page

(Greif, 2001, p. 55–65) – reference to a range of pages

(Blatt, 2010, p. 175 and subsequent) – reference to a fragment commencing on the given page

(Zajączkowski, Sheerin, 1988) – a publication of two authors

(Juszkiewicz et al., 1993) – a publication of many authors – when an entire book is referenced, not a single text

(Skorowidz miejscowości Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, 1924, p. 113–114) – for a text for which an author/editor has not been given

(Willenberg, 2004; Blatt, 2010) – when referencing two publications in one footnote; these shall be separated with a semicolon

(Proszyk, 2011; Proszyk, 2012) – when referencing two publications of the same author in one footnote; these shall be separated with a semicolon

(Gozdawa-Gołębiowski, 1992, p. 357; see also: Matusak, 2002, p. 506) – when it is necessary to apply a gradation of the referenced titles (see also, cf., etc.)


NOTE: if more than one publication of a given author from a single year is quoted, it is necessary to provide a letter of the alphabet corresponding to the entry in the bibliography: (Gozdawa-Gołębiowski, 1973a)


  1. Archival materials

NOTE: the classic APA style does not consider archival materials, and therefore it is necessary to provide a conventional footnote.

abbreviated name of archive, file no., fonds, document name/title, place of
publication/creation, date, sheet/page




BArch Berlin, R 137 I/2438, Urteil in der Strafsache gegen Dmytro Mateik vom 25. August 1942 [Verdict in the criminal case against Dmytro Mateik, dated 25 August 1942], p. 8.

AIPN, 2188/593, Protokół przesłuchania świadka Eliasza Bohuna [Minutes of the hearing of witness Eliasz Bohun], 12 October 1992, p. 66.

AAN, PRM, 41/52, Wykaz lokatorów domu przy al. Róż 6. Stan z dnia 19 maja 1948 roku [The list of residents at Róż Avenue 6 as of 19 May 1948], p. 25.

MPW, AHM, SH-7040/41/04, Relacja Danuty Przystasz z 11 grudnia 2004 roku [Account of Danuta Przystasz of 11 December 2004], interview by B. Giedrys.

APW, 482/59, Amt des Distrikts Warschau, Statistische Unterlagen für den Distrikt Warschau, a list dated 26 March 1940.





  1. Monograph:

Surname of the author/editor, Initial of name. (year of publication). Title. Place of publication: publisher.



Dunin-Wąsowicz, K. (1983). Ruch oporu w hitlerowskich obozach koncentracyjnych 1933–1945. Warszawa: PWN.

Bem, M. (ed.). (2012). Sobibór. Bunt wobec wyroku. Warszawa: Ośrodek Karta.

Segev, T. (2012). Siódmy milion. Izrael – piętno Zagłady (transl. B. Gadomska). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. – when reference is made to a translated book

Oster, M. (2006). Gehinom znaczy piekło. Przeżyłem getto i dziewięć obozów (ed. E.H. Łazoryk). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. – analogically when it is necessary to provide additional information, for example about editing

Sofsky, W. (2008). Die Ordnung des Terrors: Das Konzentrationslager. (ed. 6). Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag. – when reference is made to a successive edition

Skorowidz miejscowości Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. (1924), vol. IV: Województwo lubelskie. Warszawa: GUS. – in the case of a text for which an author/editor has not been given


  1. Journal article

Surname of the author, Initial of name. (year of publication). Title [simple!], Journal title, no./volume, pages.



Maciejewski, M. (1981). Rozwój narodowosocjalistycznej ideologii w Niemczech po pierwszej wojnie światowej, Studia nad Faszyzmem i Zbrodniami Hitlerowskimi, no. 7, p. 57–112.

Głownia, J., Rażmowski, W. (1990). Akcja na obóz zagłady w Treblince. Ocalmy od zapomnienia, Barbakan. Kwartalnik Turystyczno-Krajoznawczy Mazowsza, no. 3/142, p. 27–36.

Bitwa niemiecko-niemiecka (1943). Biuletyn Informacyjny, no. 35, p. 7. – when no author is stated


  1. Article/chapter of a collective publication

Surname of the author, Initial of name. (year of publication). Article title. In: Initial of name, Surname of editor (ed.), Publication title (pages). Place of publication: publisher.



Gawron, E. (2012). Powojenna emigracja Żydów z Polski. Przykład Krakowa. W: M. Adamczyk-Garbowska, F. Tych (ed.), Następstwa zagłady Żydów. Polska 1944–2010 (p. 413440). Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS.

Skibińska, A. (2018). Powiat biłgorajski. In: B. Engelking, J. Grabowski (ed.), Dalej jest noc. Losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski, vol. I (p. 191–382). Warszawa: Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów. – in the case of a multivolume publication

Höss, R. (1972). Wspomnienia Rudolfa Hössa. In: Oświęcim w oczach SS. Höss, Broad, Kremer (selected, edited and provided with footnotes by J. Bezwińska, D. Czech; transl. E. Kocwa, J. Rawicz). Oświęcim: Państwowe Muzeum w Oświęcimiu. – when it is required to provided information about the editor(s) and translator(s)


  1. Internet publications

Surname of the author, Initial of name. (year of publication). Text title. Downloaded from: website address [access: diurnal date].



Rusiniak-Karwat, M. (2017). 60. rocznica śmierci Emila Sommersteina. Downloaded from: [access: 13.09.2019].

Historia. Downloaded from: [access: 17.05.2018]. – in the case that authorship is not designated


  1. Archival materials

Full name of archive (abbreviated name of archive)
Fonds, file no.


Archive of Modern Records (Archiwum Akt Nowych – AAN)
Ministerstwo Informacji i Dokumentacji Rządu RP (emigracyjnego) w Londynie [Ministry of Information and Documentation of the Polish Government (in Exile) in London], file no. 105

Archives of the Institute of National Remembrance (Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej – AIPN)
AIPN GK, 94/8641; AIPN GK, 97/103; AIPN GK, 296/100
AIPN Ld, 503/48, vol. 1, 3

State Archive of Lviv Region (Derżawnyj Archiw Lwiwśkoji Obłasti – DALO)
P-77 Sąd Specjalny przy Sądzie Niemieckim we Lwowie [Special Court at the German Court in Lwów], file no. 60

Bundesarchiv Berlin (BArch Berlin)
R 102 Distrikt- und Kreisverwaltungen im Generalgouvernement [District and local administrations in the General Government] /333
R 137 Gerichte im Osten [Courts in the East] I/2430, 2432, 2433, 2435, 2436, 2438, 2439
R 3001 Reichsjustizministerium [Reich Ministry of Justice] /80230



NOTE:  if more than one publication of a given author from a single year is quoted, it is necessary to provide a letter of the alphabet corresponding to the entry in the bibliography (cf. bibliography):

Gozdawa-Gołębiowski, J. (1973a). W obozie zagłady, Za i Przeciw, no. 42, p. 16–17.

Gozdawa-Gołębiowski, J. (1973b). Spisek, Za i Przeciw, no. 44, p. 16–17.


NOTE: the bibliographic addresses of Russian-language books shall be transliterated according to;629697.html


Other editorial matters (capitals, abbreviations, etc.):

  1. The turn of the year in dates: (of importance for photograph captions) 1939/1940.
  2. Dates of birth and death: 1920–2010, or born in 1920 in Warsaw, died in 2010 in Kraków
  3. Periods (ranges) of years: 1987–1989, not 1987-89, always with a dash (–) and no spaces
  4. Errors in titles, dates, cited texts, etc. are to be marked with [sic!].